Ste. Michelle Wine Estate

Country: USA
Region: Oregon / Columbia Valley

Past Auctions

  • The Pundit 2018
    Number of bottles: 3
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2023-10-29 11:40:02
    Final price: 50.00
  • The Pundit 2018
    Number of bottles: 1
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2024-03-02 09:30:06
    Final price: 6.00
  • The Pundit 2018
    Number of bottles: 2
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2023-08-31 13:18:01
    Final price: 32.00