Michel & Yves Rossignol

Country: France
Region: Bourgogne

Past Auctions

  • Volnay 1976
    Number of bottles: 3
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2024-05-23 10:43:04
    Final price: 27.00
  • Beaune Les Theurons 1976
    Number of bottles: 1
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2021-04-07 23:08:01
    Final price: 18.00
  • Volnay 1979
    Number of bottles: 1
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2021-05-30 12:19:02
    Final price: 8.00
  • Volnay 1971
    Number of bottles: 1
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2021-05-30 12:19:03
    Final price: 9.00
  • Volnay 1976
    Number of bottles: 1
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2021-05-13 10:10:03
    Final price: 6.00