Newton Vineyard

Country: USA

Past Auctions

  • Chardonnay Unfiltered 2003
    Number of bottles: 6
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2020-02-13 11:37:04
    Final price: 91.00
  • Chardonnay 1994
    Number of bottles: 2
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2019-05-13 10:19:02
    Final price: 14.00
  • Chardonnay 1992
    Number of bottles: 6
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2019-12-02 21:20:02
    Final price: 55.00
  • Chardonnay 1992
    Number of bottles: 6
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2020-01-08 11:44:02
    Final price: 55.00
  • Chardonnay Unfiltered 1994
    Number of bottles: 4
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2020-03-10 14:02:01
    Final price: 68.00
  • Chardonnay 1994
    Number of bottles: 4
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2020-03-25 15:17:02
    Final price: 29.00
  • Chardonnay 1994
    Number of bottles: 5
    Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
    Auction ended on: 2020-03-25 15:18:02
    Final price: 32.00