Clos René 1983

Clos René 1983

Clos René 1983
Clos René 1983

Clos René 1983

Clos René 1983
Clos René 1983

Details Clos René 1983

Country: France
Region: Bordeaux / Pomerol
Region: Bordeaux
Vineyard: Clos René - Garde-Lasserre SCEA
Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
Number of bottles: 1

Auction number: 05020 🔗
Start price: CHF 9.00 (incl. VAT)
Auction ended on: 2024-05-13 11:54:02
Final price (incl. VAT)
CHF 20.00


Into Neck (IN)

Label highley torn with slight tracks of cellar dust highly stained with glue strips

Perfect capsule